Wednesday 2 September 2020

China Landmark writing

Today I am going on a school trip to the great wall of China and I am so excited.I put my lunch box in my bag and I headed off to school. I lined up ready to go to the bus. When we were in the bus I was so happy it was like a dream come true and then when we got to the great wall of china I was so happy and then I went on with my class and then we  walked up the steps and I was looking at the view I was so happy and I could not believe my eyes I was just so amazed.

The sudden;y I looked back to my class and they were gone I looked and looked but there was no sign of them I was really sad and then I walked up and down the great wall of china and I was looking for them and then they came back thy same way I was walking I was so happy I found them and I didn’t leave the again.


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