Thursday 18 February 2021

My Imaginary story about Moana and her villiagers

 One day Moana went outside and realized that all the trees and plants were dead.There were no fish in the waters around the island and people were leaving.She had no idea what was going on so she asked her villagers and they said everything is dead so they were leaving and because the fish was all past the reef so they had to leave and find somewhere else to live. Moana planted a new coconut tree and she went past the reef and she got some fish to last at least a few weeks. The last thing she thought she had to do was convince the villagers to stay. She then provided a feast for her and her villagers and then she went to tell them and ask them if they could stay then she went to ask and then everyone then agreed and she also told them that because she was the only one who could handle the reef she would do the fishing.Within days she had everything back to normal again.The next day she got her villages to unpack their stuff in their homes and she had it all normal at the end of the day.


I hope you liked my little imaginary story. Thank you for reading.

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