Tuesday 30 March 2021

Writing - Thank you letter

 Thank You Letter

Writing a Thank You Letter is a great way to show your appreciation, and 

gratitude towards the people who have helped us on our camp!

In the space below you will write a Thank You Letter to somebody who has helped us out on our camp! There are a lot of people who you might be able to choose from:

  • The support workers

  • The student volunteers

  • The parents 

  • The teacher who took your group

  • The teachers who organised the different activities 

  • Your group leaders

Your Thank You Letter needs to have a few things:

  • A greeting to the person you are writing the letter to! (Dear…, Hi!..., Hello...etc.)

  • What you are thankful for! (Thank you for…)

  • Two or Three reasons you are thankful (I am thankful/grateful for this because…)

  • A farewell, or goodbye!

Start your letter in the space below:

Dcn    Pt England School                                                            30 March 2021

           Pt England Rd 

           Glenn Innes 


         Thank you Mr somerville for making the slip n slide a fantastic experience.

         The slip n slide was so fun and I had a great time. It was so soapy and I spent my

    M  time on it with my friends. I had so much fun especially because that was my first 

#       camp. It was also my last camp because I am a year 6. My friends and I had a      fantastic time.The year 5 and 6 camp was the first camp that I had ever been to. I had the best camp ever and I don’t think  It would be better without you thanks for everything. I really appreciate the activity that you created because it was way more

        Fun than I thought it would be.

         Yours sincerely - Lynch 

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